Friday, June 4, 2010

Cape Peninsula Tour

Good News!!! Breakfast was full of recognized food like eggs, cereal, yogurt, and bacon. It was a relief to know I would start the day with an enjoyable and filling meal.
The coach (bus) left promptly at 9:00am to begin our scenic tour up and around Cape Peninsula. I felt as if my camera was never off for more than 5 consecutive minutes. the landscape in South Africa is breathtaking, it is like nothing I have ever seen before.
Our first stop was Duiker Island where a colony of seals (mostly male) live. There was a man on the bulkhead playing with his 500lb seal, who he has been training for 8 years, named Peachy Boy. We were allowed to pet and feed him and even give him a hug for a picture. Amber and I took advantage of this opportunity and got a picture together with Peachy Boy. We boarded the tour boat and took a gorgeous ride out to the island. Everyone was snapping pictures of mountains and jumping seals.
About 40 minutes later we arrive by coach into Table Mountain National Park to see Cape of Good Hope and Cape point. Cape of Good Hope is the southern  most part of western cape. Cape point is home to an old lighthouse that holds the highest visual distance from sea, 63meters. Before entering the park our tour guide, Frans, gave us a serious warning about wild baboons. They will approach you if they suspect you may have food and snatch it away. This means they will steal handbags because they have learned that there is most likely some food in them. If you are caught feeding them you will be fined.
The view from Cape Point Lighthouse is fantastic. You get a 360 view of the western peninsula, as far as you can see that is. The walk up is the hard part though. Amber and I decided we should try and run it, we didn't get too far :-( but it's the effort that counts.
WE stopped and Cape of Good Hope for about 20 minutes to explore. We climbed the rocks for a bit and then the wind picked up and it got a lot colder. The weather changes so fast here.
On our way back to Wellwood we stopped at Rocklands, the camp we will be working at for a week while we are here, to take a quick tour so we had an idea of what to expect. The facilities are amazing, they have everything from as swimming pool to an indoor rock wall. It made me begin to think that this may be a good place for me to have my externship. Need to look into that.
About a 10 minute drive and we were back at Wellwood to get ready for another interesting dinner. I'm not going to go into it because I don't want to bore you with the same situation every night.
Headed to the Internet cafe after dinner then hug out at a local bar for a bit. Again not going to go into it but because I'm not blogging to start drama or bitch about stupid things. Lets just say I should have gotten more sleep than I did but didn't because of immature behavior.
Waking up at 7


  1. Why is that Drama or Bitching?! If your going to blog let it allll out sista!!!! ;-)
    Is table Mt. the one in the picture on your header? and Externship in SA!! not like us that much!?!?! Don't keep leaving us!! lol =)

  2. That was supposed to be WHY NO DRAMA OR BITCHING*

    p.s you could just email me to do that lol<3

  3. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about all your other adventures.

  4. Yeah Megz too bad it wasn't such a pain to get internet there, other wise you could be posting a few pictures via your blog [a few teasers would be nice!] =)
