Saturday, June 12, 2010

Class time and Rocklands Planning

About half of us showed up to breakfast this morning. Which wasn't a surprise since we didn't get in until 2:15 and most people were out drinking until 1. I am getting pretty sick of not getting a full nights sleeps whether its because i was forced to go out or because i am being woken up by people coming in late. There needs to be some serious structure changes!
Class started at 10 and we had a discussion about group dynamics and attitude. I felt like i was being blamed for the group not working together or being on time or respecting everyone. I'm not sure how others felt nut I definitely wasn't in the best mood throughout this conversation. We broke off into groups of four to do an activity that represented the 7 steps of management. We were given 35 cups, assigned a leader, observer, and two workers to build the tallest and strongest structure out off the cups in 5 minutes. The catch: only the leader could talk, the workers were blindfolded and the only ones who could touch the cups, and the observer watched and took notes. Our group worked together the best with no frustrations or complications while building.
We met as a group at noon to plan out our week ahead at Rocklands Camp. It was successful and we got our schedule planned out and we are meeting later tonight to come up with a welcome show for the campers on the first night. We are finalizing everything after dinner tomorrow and we head off for Rocklands at 11am Monday morning. There is no Internet access so I may not be able to blog until next Saturday, bummer, but I'll keep a journal no worries.
Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Hey- your leadership skills and group experiences are shining through. Stay with your beliefs. We are proud of you
